A number of exceptional men and women discovered the Secret, and went on to become known as the greatest people who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison, Einstein, and Carnegie, to name but a few.
Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or challenge into strength, power, perfect peace, health and abundance.
Now for the first time in history, all the pieces of the Secret come together in a revelation that is life transforming for all who experience it.
This is the Secret to life.
Watch The Secret
Learn how to apply the law of attraction to your life with the movie that attracted the attention of Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Larry King.
In 2006, Rhonda Byrne released The Secret, which interviews teachers like Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, and Michael Beckwith among many others. The movie focuses on three steps to receiving whatever it is you desire: ask, believe and receive.
Ask – Become clear about what you want and ask the universe for it.
Believe – Visualize and behave as if whatever you want is on its way to manifesting in your life.
Receive – Align yourself with the universe to be open to receiving your desire
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