Again an engineer, IIT post-graduate Uday Kumar has been honored. His design out of five shortlisted ones is selected for the new symbol of the Indian Rupee.
After a long time, Indian government organized a competition for designing the currency symbol of Indian Rupees. Prize money of the competition was 2.5 lakh. Indian economy is growing very fast and most probably that was the influencing reason for prompting the government to think in this direction. Finally, with the symbol Indian rupee has joined the elite club of global currencies like the US dollar, the British Pound, European Euro and Japanese Yen that have unique symbols. As abbreviations for Euro or USD is used for currency of Europe and United states similarly abbreviation for the Indian Rupee will continue to be ‘Re’ or ‘Rs’.
Now the next question was, as Dollar, Euro, Pound or Yen got a place on Key board will the Indian rupee get a place on the PC? So that people need not copy paste the image every time we need to mention it in somewhere.
New Rupee Symbol of India - How to use in Computers?
- Download the font. -> ”Rupee_Foradia.ttf”
- Save it to fonts folder of your PC: Location :
- C:/Windows/Fonts and then go to the C:/Windows/Fonts location and install(double click)
- Open your word processor and select the “Rupee_forindian”.
- Just select “Rupee” font from the drop down list of your fonts in your application and press the key just above your tab button. It will display the new Rupee symbol of India.
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